Hi everyone!

The essay submission link is now open on Moodle. If you scroll down on the 4920 Moodle page you find an ESSAY link that takes you to the turnitin page for the essay submission.

You can start submitting now, and the link will remain open for weeks.

You may submit multiple times!

Your tutors are excited to read you essays, and I want to congratulate all of you for all of your super hard work.

All best,


Hi everyone!

The essay submission link is now open on Moodle. If you scroll down on the 4920 Moodle page you find an ESSAY link that takes you to the turnitin page for the essay submission.

You can start submitting now, and the link will remain open for weeks.

You may submit multiple times!

Your tutors are excited to read you essays, and I want to congratulate all of you for all of your super hard work.

All best,


Resource created Tuesday 25 October 2022, 11:23:44 AM.

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